Lost teddies gallery

Use the filters below to search for your child’s teddy who was lost in a UK hotel and once found, complete the online form.

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Reunited Rascals

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"Thank you so much for looking after Weggo. I couldn’t stop smiling after seeing the adventure that he went on. You have made the start of 2025 the highest of highs, thank you."


"THANK YOU all so much for all the effort in shipping him back to us."

Gianne Olaes

"Thank you so much for the return of my much loved Teddy, 'Rocky'. I accidentally left him behind at Luton Premier Inn, because he was tucked under the bed sheets. Rocky was washed and posted back to me! Teddy Trace is a great service and demonstrates such wonderful customer care."

Mrs J Y Adams

"I appreciate you must get a lot of lost property but we are so thankful this was found and returned as it is highly sentimental!"

Katie's mum

“Jesse is so happy to be reunited with Foxy this week. A big thank you!”

Jesse's dad

"Cobie was over the moon to see her teddy back! A huge thank you for helping it happen."

Cobie's mum